I Can’t Believe it Was the Same Girl!


The thickness in those thighs, … the jiggle on those cheeks, … the bounce in that walk… It’s just too much…  Absolute nut buster…

The craziest part was seeing her come out of a party bus, months later, & look at the outfit.. SMH…. I mean how can it get any crazier than that??? I would have to be able to invite her to the private room like I did the stripper, & get a booty clap show (& perhaps more!)

But of COURSE, her hater friends were all so quick to stop her from doing anything fun as she danced… You can clearly see her spotting us, then inching back to whine on us, but the cereal box girl stops her in the tracks early… You even have the evil hater friend that showed up w/ the WHOLE CAPE to cover her ass, even though you could tell that poor girl was eager to have fun!

Hater friend talking about “She’s not a stripper!”  So what??? You think if anyone asked her if she was a stripper, she woulda said yeah??? Stuuuuuuuupid….. Let her have fun! Stop hatin’!!!

Ladies, beware of those that call themselves your friends cause not all of them have your best interest @ heart… I’ll tell you that for SURE.

& to the rest of y’all who came here for what’s important, here’s a clean 10 MINS of one of the most magnificent Latinas I’ve had the pleasure of spotting in NYC on 2 different occasions, both great, one greater! lol. Enjoy!

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